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Apple blocks rival smart phones

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Ivan Dimkovic

Član broj: 13
Poruke: 16696

+7181 Profil

icon Apple blocks rival smart phones17.07.2009. u 20:26 - pre 181 meseci


The latest update of Apple's iTunes has included a fix to block devices such as the Palm Pre that use the program for synchronising music and content.

The Palm Pre smartphone is seen by many as a direct rival to Apple's iPhone because of its innovative interface and web based software.

Marketing for the new Palm Pre touted "seamless" synchronisation with iTunes, because it appeared as an Apple device.

Palm called the move a "direct blow" to Apple's users.

While many devices can, through intermediary software, connect and synchronise with iTunes, the Pre was able to do so because it identified itself as an iPod.

In June, Apple issued a note stressing that it "does not provide support for, or test for compatibility with, non-Apple digital media players" and warned that "newer versions of Apple's iTunes software may no longer provide syncing functionality" with them.


Now, the latest version of iTunes, 8.2.1, has patched the hole through which devices could masquerade as Apple products.

Apple said in a statement that the update, in addition to other bug fixes, "also disables devices falsely pretending to be iPods, including the Palm Pre".

Palm said that the Pre would work with previous versions of iTunes.

"If Apple chooses to disable media sync in iTunes, it will be a direct blow to their users who will be deprived of a seamless synchronization experience," the firm said in a statement.

The statement added that "there are other third-party applications we can consider" and that users could simply choose not to update iTunes or could use a USB cable to directly transfer files.

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Dejan Lozanovic
Dejan Lozanovic

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+75 Profil

icon Re: Apple blocks rival smart phones17.07.2009. u 22:43 - pre 181 meseci
Sta mislis hoce li da padne neka tuzba unutar EU ?

Sve mi lici da bi vrlo lako moglo da se desi
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Ivan Dimkovic

Član broj: 13
Poruke: 16696

+7181 Profil

icon Re: Apple blocks rival smart phones17.07.2009. u 22:48 - pre 181 meseci
Pa uzevsi u obzir da Apple drzi ~70% trzista digitalnih media plejera postoji opravdanje za istragu bar.

Medjutim tesko bi to islo - prvo bi morali da dokazu da je Apple namerno isekao neki drugi player (tj. zloupotrebio monopolisticku poziciju na jednom trzistu kako bi sprecio ulaske novih igraca), sto Apple lako moze da obori sa tvrdnjom da je promena bila namenjena za unapredjenje performansi / pruzanje dodatnih usluga, itd...

To bi trajalo nekoliko godina - a onda bi MOZDA EU zahtevala da Apple "otvori protokol" za iTunes, sto bi opet trajalo nekoliko godina.

Pogledaj koliko je vremena trebalo od vremena kada je Microsoft zaista ubio konkurenciju sa IE-om (pricamo o 1997/1998-moj godini) do vremena kada se EU pocela baviti tim problemom.
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icon Re: Apple blocks rival smart phones18.07.2009. u 10:37 - pre 181 meseci
On Thursday Palm’s (PALM) shares took a nosedive, falling 7.4% in early trading from Wednesday’s high as the rest of the market was enjoying a midsummer bull run.
But by the end of the trading day, Palm was back where it started Wednesday, no worse for wear.
Because, really, for all the fuss that the trade press made about the flap — Google News turned up 159 articles and 39 blog items — was this the best Apple could do?

Apple COO Tim Cook, who was running the shop while Steve Jobs was on medical leave, has been making threatening noises about Palm ever since his former colleague — and now bitter rival — Jon Rubinstein unveiled the device that many hailed as an iPhone killer.
“We think competition is good. It makes us all better. And we are ready to suit up and go against anyone,” Cook told analysts on a earnings call in January. “However,” he added, his voice rising, “we will not stand for having our IP [intellectual property] ripped off, and we’ll use whatever weapons that we have at our disposal. I don’t know that I can be clearer than that.” (link)

The tenor of Cook’s remarks, reiterated three months later, led analysts to believe that Apple was getting ready to take Palm to court. Speculation centered on a patent suit over Palm’s use of multi-touch technology that Jobs had insisted was heavily protected by multiple patents and which other iPhone competitors — Google’s (GOOG) Android, for example — have been careful not to use.
“If faced with legal action,” a Palm spokesperson promptly responded, “we are confident that we have the tools necessary to defend ourselves.”
//Cnn blogs

Dakle, konflikt se profilise...

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Milan Adamov
Adamov Konsultacije d.o.o.
Beograd, Srbija

Član broj: 21939
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+138 Profil

icon Re: Apple blocks rival smart phones05.10.2009. u 13:39 - pre 178 meseci
On Palm, Competition, and iTunes Sync
Back when the Pre was announced, a frequent conversation topic among developers was "competition" -- as in, it would be great to have some healthy competition against the iPhone. At the time, the Pre looked promising, and seemed to be the first viable competitor to come along and really challenge the iPhone. Sadly, nine months later, what could have been competition has really just become a tired, childish annoyance. Whatever hype and capital Palm built up around the launch of the Pre has been squandered on a pointless and trivial cat and mouse game with Apple over iTunes sync. The saddest part is that this was totally unnecessary, though Palm wants you to think otherwise.

You see, Palm doesn't need the iTunes app to sync the Pre. They don't need to draw Apple's ire, or play yo-yo with their customers over this important capability. They can sync the Pre to a customer's iTunes music library with a public, open, and documented approach that has been used by third-party developers and device makers for years. This capability was created by none other than Apple itself.

Turns out it's a simple matter of reading the iTunes music library XML catalog file on a customer's computer, and using that to create a sync capability for the Pre. Not only is that XML file plain-text and human readable, it's got a published document type definition (DTD). Apple has developed this XML approach specifically "to make your music and playlists available to other applications" (see KB HT1660).

On the Mac, you can see this "iTunes Music Library.xml" file in:


On Windows, it's located in:

\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\My Music\iTunes\

Combined with the music files indexed by this XML catalog, you have everything you need to know to access or sync iTunes music. I don't know how Apple could be any more open or flexible about this. Clearly they took this approach to give customers access to their music in a manner independent of iTunes and Apple, now and in the future, since a well written XML file is almost like a self contained fossil record. As we've heard from Steve Jobs before, Apple is keenly aware of the issues surrounding online music sales, both from the standpoint of protecting the intellectual property of musicians and record labels, and the rights of customers.

Why Palm can't respect or understand this is beyond me. In one press statement, Palm spokeperson Lynn Fox said: "Palm believes that openness and interoperability offer better experiences for users by allowing them the freedom to use the content they own". Well, the problem is, nobody was blocking that freedom. In fact, Apple went an extra step to make sure that freedom was available to customers and third-party developers, independent of the iTunes app. But really, is it even Palm's place to be the sheriff on this topic? I don't think so.

Clearly, other companies know how to sync painlessly with iTunes music (see RIM's Blackberry Media Sync for example), so why doesn't Palm develop a syncing solution for their own hardware? The exact reason is unknown, but my guess is that it's a combination of things. Perhaps Palm doesn't have the resources to develop their own sync app. Or maybe they want some publicity. Or maybe they just want to push Apple's buttons. Who really knows. But I seriously question the strategy and brains of any company that ties critical product capabilities to the unsupported use of their competitor's software. I mean, really? Can it get any more ridiculous? Can you possibly send a more mixed, less confidence-inspiring, "we're a bunch of hacks who can't provide our own sync software for our products" message to customers?

As for Apple, it's obvious why they don't want Palm using the iTunes app -- it takes away a competitive advantage and adds a support burden with no real payoff. One reason that the iPod/iPhone and iTunes have been successful is that they work so well together. In the past, other companies just haven't been able to get this combination right, but Apple did, and they invested a lot of time and money to get it right. To let a competitor walk in and use the iTunes app capability as a selling point for a competing device obviously doesn't make sense from Apple's perspective. And since Apple nets about ten cents per song sold, any music sales revenue they'd gain from enabling a device like the Pre, with a user base that is less than 0.3% the size of the iPod/iPhone user base, would surely be chump change compared to lost hardware revenues (where they make tens or hundreds of dollars per device).

With the recent webOS 1.2.1 release, Palm is also using iTunes to sync photos (in addition to re-enabling music sync). So their dependence on iTunes grows. What's more, Palm has resorted to spoofing multiple USB IDs, including Apple's USB Vendor ID, Manufacturer ID, and product ID, and even using an iPod serial number when connecting to iTunes. Besides giving a big eff-you to the USB Implementer's Forum standards body, this sends a strong message that Palm is unwilling to offer their own sync solution and will instead do whatever it takes to keep expanding their use of iTunes, regardless of the legality or ethics.

Healthy competition? Not even close.

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